Monday, February 1, 2010


EXCLUSIVE: DJ Pauly D Denies Affair with Teen Mom Farrah Abraham |

No worries readers, Pauly claims he is not dating Farrah from teen moms.  No MTV reality dream ending for her.  He however, is rumored to have asked for $10,000 per ep, along with the rest of the cast.  They got $200 an ep last season.  These kids have it made.

He made a "how-to" video about doing his hair.  He said it takes about 25 minutes to do his hair and spends 15 full seconds spraying his hair with hairspray.  All I kept thinking is that he probably gets those hair products for free and that I was jeally.


Tracie said...

I don't spend that much time doing my hair. Maybe I should?

Sarah said...

Hahahaha!! I love the abrev jeally! It's fab. As for Mr. Hairspray over comment.

At least I'm skinny said...

I am so glad he is not dating Farrah. So glad. I feel like he is my real life friend and I would never want a real life friend to date Farrah.

I watch too much tv.

The Batcave said...

ALIS- I agree, I must watch too much TV as well...

I spend that much time on my hair once a week. Usually Tuesdays. then I have to spend a good 10 minutes baby-powdering and curling on Saturdays. Gross? maybe but its a hell of a timesaver.