Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My mother is constantly telling me I look "interesting." She also claims that my clothes don't match. I tell her they go together. She says they don't. This happens every time we see each other. Every single time. So I have a secret file I keep on my computer of outfits that may or may not match. Its like my "I know what I'm doing when I get dressed, Mom" file. Today I sent her these gems with the subject: clothes that don't match but people wear anyway. She will see that I am right eventually.

Ps. What's the opinion on socks with peep toes? Super dorky trend that will soon disappear? School girl wannabe? What's the appropriate age for this anyway?


At least I'm skinny said...

My mom has told me I look like a lesbian. Twice.

Julie said...

my mom told me i looked like janis joplin once...i wasn't sure if i was flattered or not.

i'm not so ok with socks and peep toes, in theory it's cute...but i might stare in public...honest opinion

G said...

I do the socks peep toe. Even to work. Heart it.

Cathy said...

Socks and peep toes makes me think of socks and sandals...which makes me think of my fashion challenged dad. No good.

When I was in high school I did all my shopping at Goodwill. My mom always says me she thought she was 'losing me'. WTF is that? Just cuz I dressed weird I was also...what?? Worshipping the devil? Moving to Waco and joining some crazy cult? I don't know what she thought bad clothing was the gateway too, but it was apparently something terrible.

My point, moms are weird.

sarah said...

The socks with a peep toe can work if done right. Experiment. Or send me pics and I'll judge you.

jessalyn said...

i am all for not matching and socks with peep toes. i am not cool enough to pull it off though. and also, cape cod is not ready for that kind of fashionable. i am a city girl trapped in the burbs- and not the outskirts of the city burbs. like middle of no where burbs. the only open toe/sock combo going on here is old man tourists.

Anonymous said...

hmm socks with peep toes. who gives a fuck?

Anonymous said...

hmm socks with peep toes. who gives a fuck?