Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ga Ga Ga....Blah Blah Blah.

I received this email from DFW, who is one of my absolute faves. She wrote this because she was bored at work, and of course for my personal viewing pleasure. Earning those dollars!! And, OH BOY, am I glad she shared. I thought I should in turn share it with our Blog besties. And by all means... please add to the list of pre babyness.

Things I have to accomplish this year before I’ll “give in and get pregnant already”:

  1. Get my wedding body back (one year’s worth of heavenly bliss has taken that from me).
  2. Go to Europe, preferably Italy, but I’m flexible.
  3. Buy a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes. (Shoe Dazzle doesn't count I guess...)
  4. Go to Vegas and do whatever it takes to be “That girl at the club last night…”
  5. Go somewhere in Central America.
  6. Learn how to cook 5 awesome meals that I’ll never have time to make with a kid around- fancy stuff that has lots of steps and ingredients that I have to search for.
  7. Finish decorating my house.
  8. Have a super sweet party at my new house with friends from out of town, in town, and complete strangers who just show up. Like the ones I’d have at my parent’s house when they were out of town.
  9. Get really obsessively anal about my anti-looking old regime so that no kid could ever make me think I have no time for it.
  10. Go somewhere tropical where I can lay around and get skin cancer (not really, had that- it sucks) and drink anything served to me with a tiny umbrella.
  11. Read all of the books I’ve bought over the last year, started, never finished, then placed on a shelf for décor. (also known as door stops)
  12. Go discover some good local bands. I had this in Austin, lost it when I moved to Dallas, maybe Fort Worth’s got something worth hearing…
  13. Hire an awesome photographer and have family pictures taken, just us and the dogs, before a baby comes along and has to be in all the pictures. Show stealer. (aka Life Stealer)
  14. Create a cool wall collage of above mentioned photos along with other cool “pre-baby” family photos.
  15. Invite every girl friend I have- even the ones I don’t really like that much- to my house for a no boys, wine-bar hopping, slumber party, cheesy weekend. Or long weekend. Or multiple weekends.
  16. Get a gun. And learn how to shoot it. I don’t care what people say. I NEED it.
  17. Research and find super cute and trendy maternity clothing stores/websites. If I’ve gotta get fat I’m going to dress it up as much as possible.
  18. Find a way to volunteer for and with animals. Then try to convince Husband to let me adopt some of them.
  19. Develop some hobbies that don’t involve online shopping because I’m sure I’ll have a spending cap once I’m not working and am at home with kids.
  20. Set some shit straight with some people who are going to be around my babies and discuss what’s appropriate and what’s definitely NOT. Better to set the ground rules ahead of time. (Hmmmm... In laws much?)


G said...

this is funny to me because I also feel like my life is over when I have a baby. Like this is fully "bucket list" it would take maybe 10 years to do it all.

Allison aka Scooty's Mom said...

I had my baby 8 months ago and this was so funny to read. Honestly, I know had some of those thoughts before I got pregnant. :)

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

I like this concept a lot! Seems more OF THE ESSENCE to do before the baby... nice!

Cathy said...

I've got to make a list like this. Then when people bring up babies I can be all "oh, actually I've got to finish this list first....soooo, yeah, it's gonna be a while."

At least I'm skinny said...

I may adopt this list and implement it in my life.

Anonymous said...

Thank you :-) check out that emo boy hair at this blog: