Friday, January 8, 2010

PAULY Dreams

In honor of tonight's Jersey Shore Episode, here's a little personal information:

I woke up the other day after having a dream that I was dating Pauly D. I was completely freaked out and disgusted at first. Then the more I thought about it, it didn't seem as bad. And then I figured out why. Here's my Senior Year Vegas Boyfriend vs. Pauly D.

Ok, You get it right? But wait there's more...

So his friend looks more like Ronnie but still viable...

HAHAH, Are you kidding me????

Ok, thats it. I won't torture you anymore. Oh wait, yes I will!

Here's another one of my prize finds, a dancer from a club in Orlando....


At least I'm skinny said...

I am so just a little bit jealous.

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

This is delightful! LOVE IT! (Thank you for the shot of Pauly D's tatt, I kept wondering what it said).

Unknown said...

pardon me while i dry my keyboard out with a hair dryer.. yeah that is niiiiice lol

Anonymous said...

Omg LOL - best blog to date!!!

Sabrina said...

I should definitely show you pics of my family!! Brooklyn/Staten Island/North Jersey Italian Guidos!!! Is it sad that I've been to EVERY bar that they have been partying at?

G said...

you're lying to me.

JLy (My Jersey Shore Nickname) said...

JAMIE THAT IS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! I can't believe you found the pic of razzy spazzy too and I cannot believe how much your Vegas boo needs to be casted on Jersey shore. I like how someone noted that "mr. ketchup" looks like a Jersey shore castmate too. I'm dying right now....and is it any coincidence that your Vegas boo is from Jersey?!?!

sarah said...

Stop. Just stop.

Cathy said...

Ummmm....creepy weird.