Monday, January 4, 2010


Ok if the creepy home stuff didn't freak you out, maybe this will. My mom sent me this titled "why parents drink." I mean someone had to take these pictures, right? And honestly, I would too, if they were someone else's kid.

My kid is standing there at the gate to the laundry room where the dog is. He's saying 'bad doggie' and then tries to climb over the gate. What do I do? Get my camera. Bam. My little Monster had the gate fall on top of him and was laying on the floor.


Anonymous said...
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Working Mommy said...

LOL!!! These are the funniest pictures!!! I like the 2nd one of the boy and the gator...priceless!


sarah said...

This this picture is why I am terrified to send my kids to day care.

sarah said...

This this = this third

Tracie said...

LOL! Love the alligator pic.