Happy Hallow's Eve friends! This is an epic day in the lives of the tree friends. We wait and plan for this day for Months, and it has arrived. Today I am in full on black Tim Burton costume material, watching Tim Burton Movies, and drinking Orange mimosas in commemoration of my Tree friend and our love of all things creepy. Sadly, the Tree friends are not together this year, but always in spirit. One in Texas and one traveling to Cali. for the festivities. Last night was the first night out for this glorious holiday, and it was def a success. We had lots of fun texting sessions between us which always brings the LOLs. I started off the night with some dear friends, and headed to a house party. Super Husband was a Vamp for the night, with custom fangs and all. On our way to the party we had a little scare with the fangs not staying in. We ask the cabbie to make a quick stop by Walgreens. We went ahead and picked up some Polygrip. Works like magic. Thank you Polygrip! You should extend your advertising to old peeps and Vampires.
I thought I would share some of our texting sessions from last night....
J: This conversation is so funny now. Blonde Bandit wants this chick to come spray tan at her house tomorrow at 7:30am.
K: hahaha. That's awesome. I am in my corpse bride costume. So happy.
J: Haha. But B was getting mad. It was great. Not like really mad.
K: That's funny.
J: Have fun. I will prob keep texting. You know how I do.
(Later in the night.....)
K: Hi. I just saw fire dancers. Miss u! Ahhhhhhh!!
J: I am actually pretty drunk. Just played shuffle board. Miss you toooooo.
(an hour later.....)
K: Halloweeeeeeeen!!!! XOXO Rawr.
J: Hahahaha. Halloween yay. I love spooky.
K: I love doggies. And u!
J: I know right! Yay dogs.
(Another hour later...)
K: Um drunk and hungry.
J: Me too. So tired. It's like late here. Wahhh hah.
K: OMG! It's like 5am there! I keep forgetting. Where are y'all now?
J: No it's 1 here.
K: I am so retarded.
L: Oh really? I am too.
K: haha. That's why we are the perfect couple. Haha.
Now that is love... hahaha :)
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