This is a story about Target. It’s actually a story about poop. Which one makes you want to read it more? So today I was in Target, like any other day. Maybe it was because Zac Posen was there this month. Every few weeks Target has a designer come in and do their thing for a few weeks. Right now its Zac Posen, made popular by the ever precious Natalie Portman. Maybe it was because they have awesome 80’s print bathing suits, and if I am going to wear neon, its going to be on a bathing suit. I probably just needed dog food but it never hurts to look.
So I am walking down the isle and I have the worse gas imaginable. Let’s side note here by admitting I have a fear, like a SEVERE fear, of public restrooms. I barely ever even pee in them. In my entire life, I had pooped in once 2x. Ever. So its gets a little dicey in the aisle and I start to freak out. I grab my purse and leave my cart and run, literally run, to the bathroom. At this point I am nervous and sweating and just am praying that its empty. I make my grand entrance and try frantically to cover the seat with toilet paper. I literally almost sharted. I was trying desperately to hold in while I put toilet paper down on the seat. It was both the worst and the funniest thing that happened to me today.
One night…. a night a long, long time ago, we sat on the back porch on a clear beautiful night. I wore my new scarf that my tree friend had bought me as a birthday present. It matched my outfit perfectly. Us tree friends drank wine until we got silly (more than usual) and made up for the past 5 months we hadn’t seen each other in. Just like any other night, I had the worst gas ever. I could not help farting and none of the dogs were around to blame. Instead I decided to blame… Dead Oreo. Dead Oreo is very sad, but this night we made it something hilarious. My mom has an iron doorstop that’s a replica of a cute little Boston Terrier we had named Oreo. RIP Oreo. So I blamed my gas on dead Oreo and we laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Or farted a few times. The next logical thing to do was to get in the dryer. Then as if that wasn’t enough, I wanted to go through the door dog too. All while holding my wine. I am, after multi-talented. From here on out we decided everything was “RUUUUDE.” There’s some understated batspeak for ya.
I woke up the next day still wearing my scarf.
There are some lessons to be learned here. *Tar-get is worth the prices. Check out Zac Posen. *Better to be in Target’s bathroom than Walmart’s. *Always blame your gas on your dogs, dead or alive. *Laugh so hard you cry. *Stay up all night with good friends. *Sleeping in your clothes is entirely acceptable. *Sometimes people are just “RUUUDE.” *Most important lesson here…. WE ARE AWESOME.
Love, The Bats
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